Life has been a series of tidal waves, some bringing pleasure...some bringing pain. The day after Mother's Day I moved out of my house into the Magick House across the street.
Derek was kind enough to deliver my furniture...
Let me give you a little history on the Magick House. I found it in 2003, by complete fluke, in a discarded "Edmonton Homes for Rent" section of the paper while in queue at Tim Hortons. I wasn't even really looking for a new place but later that evening there I was, signing a one year lease. The house just kinda grabbed me, either you love it or hate it. I rented it for two years and then bought the house across the street. Two years later Black Iris, my soul sister and partner in ceremony purchased the Magick House. Apparently it grabbed her, too. Sandora, the third member of the Magick House Trinity has been here for one year.
The house is definitely unusual. Constructed of cedar, it is an actual pyramid, with the entire upper floor being one big open space that is lit by numerous skylights. In the center of the top floor, reaching to the peak of the pyramid is a huge beam, a 3 dimensional algiz (the rune of protection).
Black Iris has been hosting the Full and New Moon ceremonies at the Magick House for the last couple of years. The yard is permanently set up for ceremony, complete with an energetic gateway and large cauldron sitting in the middle of a pentagram. Gargoyles and fairies, numerous wind chimes, fountains and statues are placed throughout the yard, shaded by huge trees, 26 on the lot if my count is correct. Its a little like an English Garden meets Amityville Horror. Ahhhh...home.
The energy of the house itself is intense, and it has a kind of an amplifying effect on whatever you are experiencing internally. Visitors are not immune to this intensification energy and some people can't stay in the house for more than a few moments before becoming uncomfortable and making mumbled excuses and racing out the door. Hehe.
Moving the endless boxes and miscellaneous furniture from my old house to my new one, I totally noticed how much stronger I am. Kettlebell training is paying off! I am still training with Mike from Evolution Strength and Conditioning twice a week. Every workout pushes me to the point of collapse. Sometimes I hate it, but I love what it is doing to my body. In the beginning, when I whined to Mike about how much I hurt, he would laugh and tell me that in the future I would want to be sore, that I'd learn to love it. And I am. What I have learned is that I'd rather push myself to the limit for two hours a week than push myself a little bit everyday. Kettlebells suit my extremist nature perfectly and the results are unbelievable. Yesterday I did 90 push ups! And by pushing myself physically I am experiencing less pressure and discord internally. My outer strength and inner strength are connected, and for once in my life its nice to do the work in the external and let the internal take care of itself. And...I have become really comfortable with my inner bitch. Because sometimes you need a bitch on your side.
The hard drive in my laptop is fried. A sure omen that my mind is going through a transformation, changing the way that I store and use information. It will be interesting to see what has changed in my beliefs and thinking when it is finally repaired and returned.
Everyday has been an adventure, and it has taught me the importance of staying in the now and focusing on the things that make me feel good.
Until next time...
Om Shanti