Since my last couple of blog posts a couple of things have come to my attention...
1. Wayne Dyer is being sued by Stephen Mitchell, a well known author who has translated the Tao Te Ching and authored several books.
From the Huffington post:
"In a copyright infringement lawsuit filed today in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, author Stephen Mitchell says Dyer "copied verbatim a significant portion" of his interpretation of the ancient Taoist scripture Tao Te Ching in two separate books."
2. Dr Laura announced that she is getting out of radio after using the "n" word in a conversation 11 times with a female caller who just called in to get some advice on her marriage.
Wow, its like I have a magic blog. I dare say that it may even be the Angela Lansbury of blogs. You just know when she shows up someone's gonna get it.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Places, everyone...

Its funny, you know. I have been aware for years that this consciousness shift is coming but I never really thought too hard about what that will mean for us as individuals in our mundane worlds.
Have you ever seen those commercials for cold medications, the ones that mask your symptoms in order allow you to go on with your day as per usual?
I don't get it...
If you're sick, go to bed. Let someone else take care of the crap that needs to get done.
If you weren't pushing yourself beyond your limits in the first place, you wouldn't be sick. Sick is NOT natural. Its a sign that something is out of balance in your thoughts and feelings. If you are sick, you should ask yourself "what am I doing that I no longer want to do anymore? And who am I going to be letting down if I stop doing this?"
Listen to your feelings. If you don't, you will get sick. Your emotions will tell you, very quietly at first "I don't like this." You can't bullshit your emotional body. But we try. Here are some of the ways:
"My work environment is toxic but I need this job. Without it I will be destitute."
Ummm. Get another job. But you better change that victim energy first, or you'll wind up in the same boat.
"I'm not happy but I just can't leave him/her. We just bought a new house."
Then get your ass to counseling and stop moaning about how bad your relationship is.
"I'm struggling financially and can't keep my head above water."
Then take responsibility for your decisions! Spend less money. Or take whatever steps you need to make more.
If you don't listen to your feelings, and change whatever situation is creating your discontent, you will get sick.
Jesus healed people because he caused them to believe in something besides their stories; they saw another way and it resonated as truth.
Or you can listen to the commercials.
We need to start changing things pronto. When we become unafraid of change, we give permission to ourselves to do whatever it takes to make our dreams happen. When we are happy we are healthy. When we are grateful, more things appear that create gratitude. When we feel abundant, we attract more abundance. It starts with a mindset, but it is the emotions that create the flow of fabulousness. Do things that make you feel good. This is a simple and effective place to start.
I'm going to do something that makes me feel fabulous today. Maybe I can make someone else feel fabulous in the process.
My Blog

My boyfriends parents asked him why I put my life out there on the internet.
They haven't met me, yet.
But I get the feeling they don't like me already.
Regardless, that's a great question.
Why do I put my life out there on the internet? I thought about that question for an entire day. I thought about it when I ate my breakfast, I thought about it in the shower, and I contemplated it running errands. I knew it was an important question...because I couldn't let it go. Maybe I needed to remind myself why I put my life out there on the internet.
This is what I came up with.
1. To have a voice, make people think, rile them up, let whatever happen, happen. All my life I've gotten into trouble for my big mouth. I've come to terms with it. And now I invite it. I've had another spiritual teacher tear into me because of what he thought to be inappropriate material on my blog. We had an awesome debate. I loved it. I think he enjoyed it as well.
2. To demonstrate to my clients and friends that you don't have to be holy or perfect to be a spiritual teacher. I'm so tired of these spiritual teachers that deny their dark sides and speak so called truths that they themselves don't follow.
Like Wayne Dyer. In his book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao" he dedicates a whole chapter to showing how it is impossible to live the Tao and be sick. Then he gets diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Wtf Wayne???
Did you even write this book!?
Do as I say and not as i do?
I'm not taking away from this man's message, he has blessed the world with some wonderful books and helped thousands in the process. But when a man makes a career from selling positive thinking and acts as a role model for "sickness starts in the mind" I would expect him to be healthy.
Or at least candid about what's really going on, instead of glazing over the dark parts. I suspect very strongly that the Wayne Dyer that is presented to the public and the real Wayne Dyer are two very different people.
Like I always say, you can't bullshit your emotions. The truth is in there and if you pretend its not...eventually something will happen to expose it. Especially now, with this astrological T-square thingy that's going on.
So I try very hard to live what I teach and know to be true. Being who I am. Very far from perfect. But at least I'm honest about it.
3. Maybe, one day, I will have a really important message. Until then, this is what you get.
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