Just ask James Arthur Ray, . In October of 2009, three people died and something like 18 others were injured or ill following a sweat lodge exercise at a retreat he facilitated. Participants paid close to $10,000 for this weekend . I trust all emerged completely transformed. Wow. How does an experience like this change a person?
$10, 000 for 5 days? Was this guy really that good? Harmonic Wealth, huh? Not everything was Harmonic in that moment in the sweat lodge, was it, James?
And there is also the question of Colleen Conaway. In July 2009, while attending Ray's Creating Absolute Wealth seminar , Colleen jumped to her death from a third story balcony at Horton Plaza in San Diego during a group excursion .
What you, dear James, are experiencing are the effects of the Universal Law of Authenticity the Universal Law of and Cause & Effect. I trust this experience has humbled you. The Universal Law of Polarity has a heavy swing.
And it can swing back.
I don't judge you, James, and neither does the Universe. It just is.
And think about this...what if James Arthur Ray ends up in prison? What if he can't buy his way out of this mess? Well, if there's anyone out there who can transform the minds and hearts of hardened criminals, I'd put my money on James. How many lives can be saved through his indirect influence? Imagine inmates leaving prison to begin a new positive future, having learned to overcome their patterns of thinking and behaviors. Where prison becomes a vessel of transformation. I, myself, can't think of anything better.
And he would be rewarded, the Universe is fair. I think James Ray is about to learn what is truly valuable in this world. And if he was this powerful before this lesson...he can become an even more influential agent for change that will truly affect the world in awesome ways. Beyond people getting the boat, house or bank account balance they desire.
So my hope for the surviving participants of this experience is that the are getting their money's worth. If nothing else, it had to be transforming. This is where alchemy comes in, turning lead into gold. The potential upswing from this is extraordinary!
There is good in this, in fact, just as much good as there is bad. It's easy to blame and point fingers. But what if somehow it was all perfect? Its funny how when bad shit happens, the common reaction is to label that experience as "tragic", and then file it away. I want to know the inner stories and subsequent choices that followed for everyone. What did they choose to make the experience mean for them? How did this change them?
I learned for myself in 2009 that much wisdom can come from suffering. I have great reverence for the intimate moments of healing that I have shared with others in this journey. It has made me less cautious. Humiliation has taught me to be unafraid to remain authentic and open while experiencing uncomfortable moments. Through remaining open in these moments, I have become a vessel of healing for myself and others. This is so awesome. So thank you, Spirit, for the shitkicking.
It was worth it!
Marlene, you rock! Your post is such a synchronicity for me. I was listening to Lisa Natoli's "Max and Lisa Show" last night and their topic was "how is healing accomplished". Anyway... amazing. Nothing is as it seems, nothing.
Love, Carmen
Good for you for being grateful. It can be so much more difficult to be grateful for difficult than it is for easy!
It is ALL good. It will be great to see you soon!
Shit-kicking indeed! hahahah That is a great post! Thank you! :) love,tam
Below is the comment I left for Marlene via her site:
Hi Marlene!! How great to meet you here on your site!! I am responding to your BLOG because I feel excited about interacting with you!!! I loved the concept about experiencing a shitkicking from the Universe . . . that soo resonates with me . . . I too have benefited greatly from the Universe being in my face in 2009 . . . the results have been scary, uplifting, dysfunctional and empowering all at the same time!!!
This brings me to the real point that caused me to want to connect with you (I realize I could have emailed you but I loved the idea of contributing to your BLOG instead:)) . . . The Universal Laws cards and Wisdom Book!!!
I was introduced to these cards and book recently (4 days ago) and I love them sooooo much!!!! . . . and frankly they love me soooo much right back . . . the meassages are clear, precise and powerfully kicking my own conscious awareness in to standing at attention!!!!
I am a metaphysical pratitioner (for lack of a better title) and as such I love to play in the playgrounds of many modalities of conscious awareness and spiritual accountability and empowerment. The best part of these cards is that they came to me without a box . . . a cute little Boxer (belonging to the friend who gave them to me) had decided that the box would make a great chew toy. Thus, infused with the energy of my friend, his baby Boxer hound and you the creators; these cards are clear and powerful oracles of divine communication!!!!!!
So Thank YOU for your part in the co-creation of these beautiful cards!!! I look forward to meeting you in future!!
Namaste ALL Ways
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