All of my life, I have been tuned into another dimension simultaneous to this mundane everyday dimension. This means that I observe whats going on around me, and translate that information into the language of signs. Mainly, I do this because I like to observe and see how relevant and accurate my theories are.
The signs, as of late, have never been more blantant and obvious. Never before have I felt so transparent. And forgiving. I have been plagued by a fatigue, and see with some humour, how Spirit will weaken my physical resolve just to prove a point.
My week started with getting backed into by the nicest lady while dropping my son off at school. Holding my vehicle in the same regard as my body, I was quite detached about the whole thing. We exchanged information and I have yet to get an estimate, my week has been too full. The sign held more significance to me than the issue of a new bumper. My emotional reaction to being hit was the thing that aroused the most curiousity. I felt worse for her than for me, I felt bad about being in the way. Interesting. When I recall past situations with others that were difficult, I never really gave people full responsibility for their behavior and actions. Damn that Capricorn Moon...damn it!!
Too tired to write. And my dog hates me for not taking her out today. That's alright, Miko can own her emotions. Co-dependant no more, lol.
Until next time,
It's an interesting thing to let other's own their emotions. Freedom!
Having had a similar experience prior to Christmas, I realized that I was more engaged with the how well I was treated by the person that hit me ... and it gave me the "out" I was looking for, for an event that I really did not want to attend. It reminds me of being a child and asking a parent to say "no" to give you the out for something you don't have to the personal courage to say no to. How well it is that the Universe looks after me/us.
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