I wonder how many of you out there wondered to yourselves after reading my last few updates, "How long is this really going to last? How long can one live in a rosy bubble, cushioned by the little miracles that happen along the way?" Well, I can't say I didn't wonder about it myself. All it took was a little PMS (a sure indicator that I am holding issues in my womb, which further relates to the inability to create the ideal home and means to manifest that) and a despondency that usually accompanies Sunday mornings. This particular melancholy bullshit continued into Monday. It was eventually communicated to me that it might be best to take myself (and my sorry-ass energy and attitude) to the office a little early. Hannah was already there and must have felt my convoluted presence a mile away, even Ebby and Lilo didn't want too much to do with me. We had very special guests on our radio show, David and Kristin Morelli...the Everything is Energy super couple. Thank God Hannah did her research ( she really is brilliant) and asked some great questions. We spend most of the hour laughing, as per usual, with David and Kristin being totally engaging. It was one of the easiest hours of my life. Not only that, but whilst (supposedly) doing my part in preparing for the radio show, I instead sat at Hannah's desk and vented and complained, and then finally wrote a plea to God for deliverance from my personal hell in my notebook. Less than one hour later, David and Kristin directly gave me the information I was looking for. It was beautiful...
but I stayed angry...but maybe, just maybe I needed to. The Universal Law of Perfection meets the Universal Law of Emotion. Shake hands...fuck it, duke it out!
On the drive to work, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Pink Floyd not just once, but twice (two for Tuesdays) on the radio. Its never to early or late in the day for Pink Floyd.
Today I received my first Course in Miracles lesson from Lisa Natoli from Gorgeous for God. She shared a couple of her own personal miracles and gave me great advice on detaching from the drama and getting out of God's way. That started a rash of miracles that lasted throughout the day, including my experiences with my clients. My first client of the day (a woman whom I love dearly, a beautiful Spanish princess that shall remain unnamed) gave me a clear and total validation that I am on the right track. It wasn't until after my last session of the day that I noticed the words "Soul Retrieval" written in red marker on today's date on my wall calendar.
For the third time, synchronistically, Sarah Salter Kelly was there when I spontaneously reached a point of needing outside help. She is one of the finest living examples I know of one who just shows up, walks her path naturally creating miracles for others in a way that is so...lovingly detached. There is no ego involved with that girl whatsoever. Today was the first scheduled appointment for my Soul Retrieval with Sarah Salter Kelly. Little did I know what emotional and mental place I would be in when we made the appointment a week earlier. As usual, it was perfect.
Our first session was intimate, revealing, and physically interesting. It seemed as though my base chakra and heart chakra were not even speaking the same language. I had vivid images, some pretty humorous, that validated the experience for both of us. Even funnier, her error in programming her IPod resulted in Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" following the Dalai Lama chanting. She couldn't have known the significance in what may have seemed like an mistake at the time. I can hardly wait for our next session!
In the meantime, I'm using the Universal Laws of Conscious Creation Cards to assist with my focus and A Course in Miracles to remind me of what it truly real. It is possible to walk the two worlds and Master the Illusionary. Isn't it?
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