Lisa Natoli, thank you for your authentic self, I have been asking for a mentor, and lo and behold, I find her on Facebook. Technology is so responsive with miracles. When I saw that Lisa had a Course in Miracles website ( I couldn't believe my luck! On it are examples of using the principals of the Course with real life issues. I am sad about the reality that so many who purchase the Course with good intentions never really "get" the concepts. I know that feeling. It took me three years before I could shift my awareness, which truly transpired through my relationship triggering every error in my perspective. God, thank you for Derek. What a safe, beautiful, soulful way to wake me up. Much nicer than being hit by that car in 1993. I have learned to listen since then. For those of you experiencing your Personal Hells' out there, know this: GOD IS SETTING THE STAGE FOR YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT. You can use this situation (that might feel bad, but at least it gets your attention) to find out who and what you really are. You are the light of God, shining in your own particular way.
I used to hold in my light and blame other people for the fact that I wasn't shining. It totally prevented me from looking at the fact that I was afraid to shine.
I prevent myself from shining with my tobacco addiction. It makes me feel weak and powerless. I am signing up for Lisa Natoli's 40 Days in the Desert workshop. Its online ( and its actually designed for people with Food Addiction. She uses Course in Miracles principals, and it involves no diets. Lisa believes that I can easily transfer the material to my individual addiction, so I'm really pumped to start May 1st. I love how the Universe gives you exactly what you need.
Speaking of getting what you need, this was a pretty interesting experience and a great demonstration of the Law of Detachment working with the Law of Attraction and Law of Least Effort. Today, I commented on the beautiful Smudging Wing that belongs to Sarah Salter Kelly, asking her where she got it. When she told me it was a gift, I silently thought to myself "I want to make myself one of those. I want a hawk's wing" Five hours later I get a message from Joyce, another Soul Sister and Course in Miracles Junkie on my voice mail, telling me that she came home to a dead hawk on her deck and thinks I might know what that

Today was my second session in my Soul Retrieval series with Sarah. I have never felt a deeper, more authentic experience with any type of healing work than what I have experienced in this Soul Retrieval. She guided me through a tour of the four chambers...we each had an individual experience, and without speaking wrote down what we received. What she shared with me regarding past lives and contracts formed validated everything I felt I ever was, and with information given to me by mystics over the years. I've been told that my bones from that life are in the river valley, right here in Edmonton. The North Saskatchewan river seduced me into moving from my awesome life in Winnipeg to Edmonton, where I knew no one except my husband Doug. Thanks Doug, for getting me here. For celebrating and encouraging my weirdness. I found my spiritual self acceptance through you. My channeled Spirit Guide drawing (it's on my Facebook page) is actually me. Wow. That is the only piece of channeled are I ever did. I think it was back in 2001. It's not my Spirit Guide, it is a lost part.
Things at home are actually on the blissful side. Derek and I have released attachment and the result is no judgement. Correction of vision. More miracles than I can count. And I feel free to pursue my spiritual purpose without guilt. The Laws of Perfection and Perpetual Transformation. And setting a new precedent for separations and divorce in the process. I am in no hurry to move, knowing that the right place and situation will present itself, and it is possible that I may spend much of the year travelling around North America. Peru is definitely on the agenda for early next year.
It is getting easier. Everyday.
1 comment:
Hi Marlene,
LOVE your blog! Just thought I'd send a quick note to let you know that Jeff and I went to Peru last year through Toucan Tours (we got engaged ontop Machu Picchu) and they were excellent! I can bring my pics by anytime you'd like if you want to check 'em out. There are also some on my facebook page.
Take Care girlie!
Lots a love :) Tacie
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