Friday, January 30, 2009

The Eventual Shift of Perception

Whew, is it just me, or has the past week been like a kick in the pants? People everywhere are experiencing shifts in their relationships with others. We, as a collective, are becoming more AWARE, and sometimes our awareness of the faults and traits (real or imagined) of others precedes the aha moment that says...oh..I am that, I am. (Thanks for the comma, James Twyman, that cleared a lot up.) Others are experiencing a feeling of total separateness, like they are so very alone and misunderstood. Lightworkers, know this... the imagined darkness you believe you carry has given you knowledge and wisdom beyond your years. It provided the perfect training for your destiny. But its a fucking illusion. (How long did you think it would be before I dropped the "F-Bomb"?) That is not to take away from your experience, but this is actually an empowering concept.

So this means it is possible to create a new reality based on buying into illusions that are preferred. This week I focused on the concept that when you give a brother (or sister) what they need, you get what you need also. I considered that idea many times throughout the day, and did what I could to be of service to others when it was appropriate. Every day at least once, I was distracted from my routine via intuition and listened for what the need might be. What I noticed was that small miracles became visible and I started to become more aware of others offering ME kindness. I was showered in kindness and goodwill by the very people I least expect it from. Maybe these kindnesses were always there, but I am more aware of them now than ever.

There have been stretches of time in my life where I offered my assistance to everyone in my aquaintance who needed help. I felt used a lot, so that is a dead give-away that I wasn't saying "yes" for the right reasons. What did I expect to get in return? Probably re-assurance that I am not a bad person, a belief that I have carried with me as long as I remember. As long as I carried that belief in my heart, I couldn't help anyone authentically. Where did I get that belief from? It's ridiculous when you think about it, but my oh-so-wise assessment of my worth was based on the worldly knowledge of a child.

But it wasn't the only part of my experience. I grew up on a farm, with lots of animals and more space to roam that I could roam. Outside Gaia herself embraced me in the branches of trees and held my hands in her earthy grip while I making mud pies in mom's garden. I saw the Creator in everything and lost myself gazing into clouds, trees, and the huddles of baby chicks in the spring. I developed a rich imagination, an alternate reality that afforded my mind with something to do besides worry, giving me the exact training required for psychic readings. My bond with the earth is the same as it was when I was a child, and to take in that delight once again with my children reminds me of my own lost innocence and for the moment, reclaim it.

Hang on everyone. There has never been a better time to wake up. A great part of your own evolution involves not taking responsibility for anothers emotions, actions, or enlightenment. It means waking up to the fact that you are magnificent, and if your life is not expressing that magnificence you will get rattled. You know when you are on your path when you are happy to do what you are doing regardless what it pays. The ways to increase your abundance will show up, but if you are unwilling to pull out and adjust the beliefs that keep you on the fence you will stay in the current level, or experience a "fall" to get you going. That "fall" could be a job loss, health issue, death of a loved one, bankrupcy, divorce, or you could be dealing with those situations through another ie: a spouse or child. In order to see your power, you have to test it sometimes.

Until next time.


Hannah Shears said...

I love commas, it makes my day, and creates great long run on sentences, that makes me smile, you are amazing, I enjoyed reading your blog, it is a great start to the day and I love you period.

Janet M said...

I agree Marlene ... any experience is a golden opportunity for looking at one's self and seeing where I/we can make a positive shift forward. Despite the doom and gloom I believe for myself that I am in a very good spot and that there are just so many good things out there coming to me. I've not spent too much time thinking of myself as a bad person but have certainly believed, at times, that I was not worthy.

I heard a rumour you were coming to Grande Prairie and would so enjoy seeing you here if that is a truth.

Janet M