Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Experiencing the 8 of Cups

Last night I completed the last class in the first level of my newly designed Tarot Course and was blown away by the agility with which my new pupils worked with their exciting new medium of prophesy.

In the Tarot, the 8 of Cups depicts an individual abandoning a neatly stacked pile of cups for a rather formidable mountain in the distance. In the stack of cups, there is an obvious empty space created from five cups on the bottom row and three stacked on top. In numerology fives are chaos and change and threes are creativity and expression. If the foundation is change and what crowns it is expression, then we have no choice but to face the chaos, or need for change to create something new. But sometimes we have to step away from what we created lest we over-identify with it and lose ourselves in the process.

I nicknamed this card the "Fuck it" card. Its when you look at everything you have been struggling to hold together and realize that it's redundant. Fuck it. Walk away. Detach. Maybe you will decide to re-attach when you come back from figuring out what you want. Maybe not. Either way, it is progress. If you do come back to the situation, its likely that it will have to evolve to serve you. As we evolve, our relationships and roles evolve in tandem. Let go of all of the expectations of others and ask yourself "What do I really want to experience?"

I have always known I was different from the norm, and have worked very hard to try to be normal, only to find myself in shoes that were way too tight, conversations that were way too safe, and the strange notion that while I was acting the part of happy housewife and mother that my life was somehow passing me by. Impatient with the mundane, metaphysics gave me a better reasoning for why bad shit just seemed to happen to me since I arrived on this planet. Chris MCrae, the greatest astrologer on earth, gave me a lot of insight into my path and how to use my YOD for my own benefit.

I believe that women in all countries, all races and all spaces are going to step into their power. This will affect every part of life, we are the life givers and nurturers of the world. Love will change everything. In order for the world to change, the balance of power has to be corrected.
Many women will be leaving their jobs, their partners and their current roles for roles that are more in tune with who they are. Will there be chaos? Sure. Will it be worth it? Definitely!


Janet M said...

I too believe that the balance of power is a profoundly feminine energy and observe that it is the men and women alike, who have feminine energy, who are working the hardest to bring balance to the Universe. The thoughts expressed remind me of what serves me well, personally and professionally, and that which I need to let go of. I do believe that I am headed in to a larger leadership role and while my current capacity is important, it isn't important because I want to right all the wrongs.

Again, thank you Marlene for your insight and for putting my spirit back on its intended path.

Alexis M. said...

Normalcy is vastly over-rated. Why be a second rate version of someone else when we can be the wonderful creatures we are meant to be in our own right? When we step back and reclaim (or claim) our selves we might discover that we give others license to do the same. A brand new world emerges.